Fit in digital teaching

Workshops for lecturers at the University of Stuttgart that address the question: How can I make my ILIAS course appealing and activating for students?

Improving digital teaching

Do you teach at the University of Stuttgart and want to improve the structure of your ILIAS course? In brief, one-hour workshops you will learn more about course design and ILIAS objects such as exercises and tests. You can then implement what you have learnt directly in your own ILIAS course.

The workshops can be attended independently of each other, depending on your level of knowledge and interest.

Dates and events

Personalised workshops

Who is this offer interesting for?
  • Would you like to train yourself and your employees in the use of ILIAS?
  • Are you a small group of at least 5 people who would like advice on a specific topic?
  • Would you like to optimise your teaching/learning scenario in ILIAS and would like comprehensive advice?
What's next?

The "Fit in ILIAS" team will discuss your requirements with you and then create a customised offer for you. Possible workshop topics can be found in the topic overview. However, additional content and use cases are also possible. Let us advise you: compact and intensive.



Local educational development unit for the Baden-Württemberg center for teaching and learning (HDZ), Deputy acting head of the zlw, employee in the project “digit@L”

The "Designing ILIAS courses" program is the result of a transfer of experience from the "digit@L - Digital Teaching and Learning at the University of Stuttgart" project, which is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.



Media didactics team (project digit@L)

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