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Instructional skills and feedback systems

Exchange of lecturers on digital teaching

In our digital world, it is essential that university lecturers have comprehensive digital skills. The aim of this programme is to support lecturers in systematically developing and expanding these skills. Both the exchange in communities of practice and the continuous reflection and optimisation of one's own digital teaching activities and teaching methods play a central role in developing future-oriented teaching that meets the needs of a digitalised society.

The project "digit@L - Digital Teaching and Learning at the University of Stuttgart: Boost. Skills. Support." is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.

The drawings are by Jai Wanigesinghe.


This image shows Avni Qekaj, M.A.

Avni Qekaj, M.A.


employee in the project “digit@L” an "FiLL"

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