Symbolic image for watching videos

Lab tutorials

Instructions for labs and experiments

The tutorial page offers video guides for students of natural and engineering sciences, with a focus on practical application in laboratories. These tutorials include conducting and documenting experiments as well as remote experiments that can be safely conducted from afar. The goal is for students to be able to conduct experiments independently after the tutorials and a final test. For instructors, these tutorials are a practical supplement to lectures, helping students effectively transform theoretical knowledge into practical experience.

For students

Expand your understanding of laboratory practicals with our video tutorials, which help you understand complex processes using animated explanations. The tutorials allow you to develop content at your own pace and provide practical instructions for conducting experiments. Use these visual resources to develop practical skills and prepare for laboratory work.

More information on lab tutorals for students

For lecturers

Integrate our video tutorials into your teaching to give students practical skills. Tutorials include instructions for laboratory equipment, explanations of experiments, and the ability to conduct remote experiments. They are a valuable resource for preparing your students for laboratory internships and support independent learning. Individual challenges can be overcome more easily thanks to the flexible and interactive nature of the tutorials.

More information on lab tutorials for lecturers

Current selection of lab tutorials (in German)

Fuel cell experiment instructions

© Prof. Thomas Sottmann, Julian Fischer, licensed according to CC-BY 4.0

In this video tutorial, the setup and operation of a hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell are explained through a laboratory experiment. The question/answer format encourages students to check and expand their existing knowledge. Integrated into an interactive Ilias module, the video tutorial is already being used in several laboratory practicals, replacing the traditional oral colloquium before the experiment.

Tutorial current and voltage limiting on power supply units

© Prof. Ronny Nawrodt, Katharina Schütz, Dr. Harald Kübler, licenced according to CC-BY 4.0

The project "digit@L - Digital Teaching and Learning at the University of Stuttgart: Boost. Skills. Support." is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre.

The drawings are by Jai Wanigesinghe.


This image shows Julian  Fischer

Julian Fischer


Doctoral Researcher

This image shows Harald Kübler

Harald Kübler


Head of Physics Laboratory I / Group Leader

This image shows Michael Jetter

Michael Jetter



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