Symbolic image of a key data portal

Key data portal for study progress data

Visualization of study data

The Quality Development Unit (QE) and the IT Applications and Projects Team (ITAP) are working together to introduce a key data portal for the University of Stuttgart.

The portal visualises study progress data and thus supports the work of QE, programme managers and deans of studies. It is being developed by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and is to be integrated into the University of Stuttgart's system landscape as a web-based quality management platform.

Analysis and visualisation of C@MPUS data with the characteristic data portal

The key data portal uses the study data from C@MPUS, the campus management portal of the University of Stuttgart, for detailed analyses at degree programme and module level.

The direct, visual presentation of the results in diagrams provides a simple overview of the data situation in the degree programmes and modules.

The key data portal offers three main areas of analysis, each with a different data basis:

  • Subject analysis, based on the successful or unsuccessful completion of a degree programme
  • Course of study analysis, which is based on the performance attempts
  • Module analysis, which includes the study and examination achievements of a module or module group

In order to be able to answer specific questions, the portal contains further, more detailed analysis options as well as various filter and setting options in each analysis area.

Call for action

Are you a study program manager or dean of studies at the University of Stuttgart and would like to use the key data portal?

Then please contact the Quality Development Office!

Use of the key data portal for quality assurance

The key data portal can also be used as part of the accreditation of degree programmes and to monitor programme-specific adjustments.

It can support deans of studies and programme managers in identifying possible factors for successful studies and deriving measures to improve conventional and digital teaching.

Other interest groups that do not have direct access to the portal can also benefit from the results of the analyses. For example, module coordinators have the opportunity to supplement the results of course surveys and categorise them more precisely. Students and prospective students benefit from improved impact analyses with regard to changes to examination regulations or attendance at the MINT College.

The results of the key data portal provide information on how to optimise student acquisition and contribute to the quality assurance of the courses on offer.

For further information on the key data portal and how to use the results, please contact the Quality Development Office!


Nicolas Zörlein


Quality assurance in the digit@L project

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