Seminars aim at providing the doctoral researchers with the necessary theoretical and experimental foundations required for an interdisciplinary approach to droplet-related research. A list of attended seminars is given below.
- Short Course on Advanced Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations 10.02.2020 to 14.02.2020 - Given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Dumbser and Dr. Elena Gaburro - Location: University of Trento, Italy
- Heat and Mass Transfer in Droplets & Modelling of Sprays: simple solutions to complex problems 19.12.2019 to 20.12.2019 - Location : University of Bergamo 16.12.2019 to 17.12.2019 - Location : University of Stuttgart (Germany), ITLR - Given by Prof. Sazhin (Brighton)
- Capillarity in porous media at different scales
7.-11.10.2019 - Given by Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (Utrecht)-Location: University of Stuttgart (Germany) - Selected Solution Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Flow and Heat Transfer Problems
13.09.2019 - Given by Prof. Weigand (Stuttgart) - Location: Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy) - Analytical models of drop evaporation
11.07.-12.07.2019 - Given by Prof. Cossali (University ofBergamo), Dr.-Ing. Tonini (University of Bergamo), Dr.-Ing. Lamanna (University of Stuttgart) - Location : University of Stuttgart (Germany) - Lecture on Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods
08.07.-09.07.2019 - Given by Dr. Beck, Prof. Munz, Mr. Dürrwächter (Stuttgart) & Prof. Schütz (Hasselt) - Location : University of Stuttgart (Germany) - Course : Numerical solution of two-phase flow by the finite element discontinuous Galerkin and level set method
06.06.2019 - Miloslav Feistauer (Prague) - University of Stuttgart - Course : Laser Diagnostics in Sprays
04.06.-05.06.2019 - Given by Prof. Coghe (Milano) - Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy) - Lecture on Micro-CT
03.06 & 06.06.2019 - Given by Prof. Santini (Bergamo) & Prof. Sijbers (Antwerp) - Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy)
- Fundamentals of multiphase flow in porous media, Stuttgart (Germany), June 3-4, 2019
Lecturer: Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh (University of Utrecht)
A two-day course on „Fundamentals of multiphase flow in porous media“ was given by Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh in Stuttgart. The course was taken by 25 doctoral students with different scientific backgrounds from the IRTG DROPIT as well as the IRTG IMPM (SFB1313). Prof. Hassanizadeh showed how to derive macroscopic balance laws for both single-phase and two-phase flows in porous media starting from the molecular scale. Another focus was on the importance of the constitutive relations, which depend on the material at hand.
- Drop Impact Phenomena & Spray Investigations - DIPSI Workshop
17.05.19 - Location : Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy)
- DROPIT Doctoral Seminar, including Midterm Presentations
15.-16.05.19 - Location : Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy) - Selected Solution Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Flow and Heat Transfer Problems
03.–04.04.2019 - Given by Prof. Weigand (ITLR, University of Stuttgart) - Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy) - Workshop on evaporation across the free-flow porous medium interface and salt precipitation
01.–02.04.2019 - University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- Droplet Impact Phenomena and Spray Investigations (DIPSI) 2018, Bergamo (Italy), 18. May 2018
Main Organisers: Dr. S. Tonini, Prof. E. Cossali (University of Bergamo).
- Analysis of Droplet Dynamic Processes, Bergamo (Italy),15.-16. May 2018
Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. N. Roth (University of Stuttgart).
The topic of this lecture was the description of methods to study basic droplet dynamic processes. These methods are of analytical, numerical and mostly experimental nature. The key point was to show that all methods together are necessary to understand and describe such complex processes like phase changeand droplet interactions with flow field, other droplets and surfaces.
- Doctoral Seminar 2018, Stuttgart (Germany),11.-12. April 2018
Main organiser: Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Weigand (University of Stuttgart).
The doctoral researchers presented their work progress and received feedbacks from colleagues, associated members, principal investigators and advisory board members. It was the occasion to meet and share ideas, update the upcoming events, and spend nice moments together.
- Understanding Dimensional Analysis, Bergamo (Italy),14.-15. March 2018
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Weigand (University of Stuttgart).
This lecture provided an introduction into Dimensional Analysis. First some fundamentals were given (like Bridgeman equation and Buckingham- Theorem). Then the application of the method was shown for several examples ranging from mechanics, thermodynamics to fluid mechanics. Model theory have been briefly discussed and self-similar solutions of problems were addressed.
- Heat and mass transfer in droplets, Stuttgart (Germany), 11.-12. December 2017
Lecturer: Prof. S. Sazhin (University of Brighton).
The following topics were discussed during the course: "the effects of non-spherical (strongly deformed) droplets; limitations of the Effective Thermal Conductivity/Effective Diffusivity (ETC/ED) model; contributions of the interaction between droplets; effects of the moving interface due to evaporation; modelling of droplet heating and evaporation in near-, trans- and super-critical conditions; development of advanced kinetic and molecular dynamics models and practically useful (for implementations in CFD codes) approximations of the kinetic effects."
- Laser Imaging of Spray Systems, Lund (Sweden), 23.-27 October 2017.
Main organisers: E. Berrocal, S.-I. Möller (Lund University, CECOST).
This graduate course was organized by the Graduate School of Center for Combustion Science and Technology (CECOST) at Lund University (Lund, Sweden). The objective of the course was to give an overview of laser imaging techniques for the characterization of spray systems to doctoral researchers and professionals working in the field of Atomization and Sprays. The course comprised of lectures given by three experts on topics such as the fundamental aspects of imaging, structured illumination-based imaging techniques for reducing multiple scattering effects, image velocimetry, and X-ray imaging. In addition to the lectures, a live demonstration of the working principles was given in the experimental laboratories. A hands-on session on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation was conducted to understand the effects of various parameters, especially multiple scattering, on laser imaging of spray systems. At the end of the course, the participants were given group homework/assignments.
The course corresponds to 5 credits (ECTS). To fulfill the requirements, the doctoral researchers had to participate in all lectures, laboratory demonstrations and the homework report had to be approved.
- Short Course on Complex Wetting, Darmstadt (Germany), 11.-13. October 2017
Director: Apl. Prof. T. Gambaryan-Roisman (Technische Universität Darmstadt).
The course consisted of 18 lectures held by 12 Lecturers on topics related to drop interaction with a solid substrate. Not only the fundamentals were covered, such as surface tension and capillarity, but also many advanced and innovative scientific areas, such as chemistry of complex surfaces, the action of surfactants and the wetting of deformable surfaces.
A large part of the course was dedicated to experimental applications, for example on how surface tension and contact angle measurements are carried out in practice. Participants were able to benefit from the exhibition of special measurement equipment and the contact to the manufacturers.
- Short Course on Atomization and Sprays, Darmstadt (Germany), 20.-23. February 2017
Director: Prof. C. Tropea (Technische Universität Darmstadt).
In a series of lectures distributed over four days, the 13 invited lecturers presented fundamentals, their own research and industrial applications in a wide range of topics. These include thermodynamics, hydrodynamic instabilities of liquid jets leading to primary atomization, breakup of droplets, and finally the realization of atomization and sprays as engineering solutions. Each of the day was dedicated to a specific field, starting with fundamentals on day one, characterization and diagnostics on day two, followed by modeling and simulation, as well as applications and advanced topics on the last day. Furthermore, the participants had the chance to examine state-of-the-art spray diagnostic equipment and have discussions with the lecturers and representatives of the industry during the coffee breaks.

Bernhard Weigand
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Spokesman for DROPIT, University of Stuttgart

Gianpietro Elvio Cossali
Prof. Dr.Spokesman for University of Bergamo