Workshops help the doctoral students to improve their interpersonal and management skills, prepare scientific publications and support the completion of their doctoral thesis. Therefore, soft-skill training courses dealing with the efficient and effective development of resources, time management, outline of project goals, scientific writing and scientific achievement are offered. A selected list of workshops is given below.
Future Perspectives Workshop, Stuttgart, 10.10.2019-11.10.2019
Workshop on Experimental and Numerical Methods, Bergamo (Italy), 17. May 2018
Some of the DROPIT doctoral researchers presented their work progress focusing on their experimental and numerical methods. This was followed by active discussions with colleagues, associated members and principal investigators. To close the workshop, Prof. Günter Brenn from the Technical University of Graz (Austria) presented his perspective to combine both numerical and experimental methodologies, through an example of droplet collisions, to solve research problems.
Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers:
- Reschke: Methodology and Challenges of Gas-Kinetic Simulations
- C. Mueller, J. Zeifang: Numerical methods for compressible multi-phase simulations
- R. Bernard, V. Vaikuntanathan: En route to micro-PIV measurements for droplet impact on thin wall-film
- R. Haide: Experimental Investigations on Multi-Phase Systems with X-Ray Micro CT
Invited Guest:
- C. Planchette, H. Hinterbichler, M. Liu, D. Bothe, G. Brenn: Colliding drops as coalescing and fragmenting liquid springs
Italian Course, Stuttgart, 24.-26. January 2018
A crash course about the Italian language and culture was offered to the doctoral researchers in Germany as a preparation for upcoming visits in Bergamo and Trento. Within three days, the students learned to deal with common everyday situations, got an insight into Italian grammar and were provided with facts about Italian culture. A mixture of written and oral exercises helped in learning the language and deepening the new skills.
Scientific Writing, Stuttgart, 5.-7. December 2017
Lecturer: Dr. Conor-John Fitzsimons
A course on scientific writing was offered to help the doctoral researchers in writing scientific publications.
Special attention was paid to structuring a paper, writing as a non-native speaker, visualising processes and results, as well as revising the whole work. In several exercises, the participants reviewed their work with a focus on certain common mistakes in order to improve their own writing style. Answers to specific questions and a detailed feedback by the lecturer on the students' previous works complemented the course.
On the efficient implementation of discontinuous Galerkin methods for the solution of partial differential equations, Freudenstadt, 16.-21. October 2017
Organisator: Prof. Claus-Dieter Munz
This workshop brings together scientists working on the efficient implementation of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) based computational fluid dynamic codes. Its purpose is to give the opportunity for intensive collaboration and exchange to develop and extend DG based solvers.
Bernhard Weigand
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Spokesman for DROPIT, University of Stuttgart
Gianpietro Elvio Cossali
Prof. Dr.Spokesman for University of Bergamo