Summer School

An intensive team work bringing together doctoral researchers and international experts.

The DROPIT Summer School brought together multidisciplinary teams to work on droplet interaction related topics using a combination of experimental, numerical and analytical tools. The doctoral researchers of DROPIT formed projects in international working groups with invited experts. The Summer School provided an opportunity for each group to work intensively for some weeks in September. All groups have met during kickoff and a final project presentation where the doctoral researchers presented their projects was given.

DROPIT Summer School participants at the closing event - 21.09.2018 -  University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Participants of the DROPIT Summer School closing event - 21.09.2018 - University of Stuttgart

Summer School Flyer (PDF)

Event Information

  • Venue & Dates

Kick-Off Event: 04.09.2018, in Conference Center IBZ (Stuttgart).
Final Event: 21.09.2018, in Conference Center IBZ (Stuttgart).
Farewell Dinner: 21.09.2018, in the Fernsehturm -Television Tower- of Stuttgart

  • Program

In the leaflet of the DROPIT Summer School, you will find the detailed program of the Kick-Off and Final Events as well as general information about the projects, keynote speakers, and the farewell dinner.

Leaflet Summer School (PDF)

  • Seminars

Seminars given by visiting scientific experts took place in the frame of the DROPIT Summer School:
- "Shape oscillations of drops of complex liquids" given by Prof. Günter Brenn (TU Graz, Austria), invited by the group working on Oscillation of an Evaporating Spheroidal Drop: Effect on Frequency and Amplitude
07.09.2018, University of Stuttgart (ITLR)

- "Compressible three-phase liquid-vapor-gas flow with heat and mass transfer" given by Prof. Marica Pelanti (ENSTA ParisTech), invited by the group working on Diffuse Interface Models of Baer-Nunziato type
14.09.2018, University of Stuttgart (IAG)

  • Contact Person

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Visakh Vaikuntanathan
Phone: +49 (0) 711 685-62017


Five projects have been accepted for the summer school 2018. The project teams consist of DROPIT doctoral researchers, which are working together with visiting experts in the respective fields and external doctoral researchers from associated institutes.

  • Diffuse Interface Models of Baer-Nunziato type
    DROPIT Doctoral Researchers: C. Mueller (SP-A2), W. Reschke (SP-A3), S. Chiocchetti (SP-A4), J. Zeifang (SP-A6)
    DROPIT Associate Members: F. Carlo Massa (Bergamo)
    DROPIT Principal Investigators: F. Bassi (Bergamo), A. D. Beck (Stuttgart), M. Dumbser (Trento), S. Fasoulas (Stuttgart), C.-D. Munz (Stuttgart)
    Invited Guests: F. Föll (Stuttgart), T. Hitz (Stuttgart), M. Ioriatti (Trento), M. Pelanti (Paris-Saclay).

  • Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wetting Phenomena on Selected Structured Surfaces and Porous Media
    DROPIT Doctoral Researchers: P. Foltyn (SP-B1), R. Haide (SP-B3), M. Baggio (SP-B5), A. Straub (SP-C4)
    DROPIT Associate Members: S. Fest-Santini (Bergamo)
    DROPIT Principal Investigators: T. Ertl (Stuttgart), N. Roth (Stuttgart), M. Santini (Bergamo)
    Invited Guests: J. Sijbers (Antwerp), D. Wildenschild (Oregon State)

  • Coupling Porous Media and Free Flow with help of an Upscaled Phase Field Model
    DROPIT Doctoral Researchers: S. Ackermann (SP-B6), L. Ostrowski (SP-B4)
    DROPIT Principal Investigators: R. Helmig (Stuttgart), C. Rohde (Stuttgart)
    Invited Guests: J. Magiera (Stuttgart), A. Mikelic (Lyon), S. Pop (Hasselt), L. von Wolff (Stuttgart).

  • Investigation on the Mixing Behaviour for Droplet Impact onto Miscible and Immiscible Liquids

    DROPIT Doctoral ResearcherR. Bernard (SP-C1)
    DROPIT Principal Investigator: G. Lamanna (Stuttgart)
    Invited Guests: C. Planchette (Graz)

  • Oscillation of an Evaporating Spheroidal Drop: Effect on Frequency and Amplitude
    DROPIT Doctoral Researcher: G. Varma Raja Kochanattu (SP-A1)
    DROPIT Associate Member: K. Schlottke (Stuttgart)
    DROPIT Principal Investigators: G. E. Cossali (Bergamo), S. Tonini (Bergamo), B. Weigand (Stuttgart)
    Invited Guests: G. Brenn (Graz), M. Ibach (Stuttgart), J. Reutzsch (Stuttgart)


The organizing activities of DROPIT Summer School are carried out by the doctoral researchers in four Organization Committees:

  • Technical Committee
    Members: Sina Ackermann, Martina Baggio
    • Organizing the technical aspects of the Summer School (mainly, kick-off and final meeting)
    • Collecting the presentations from working groups; scheduling the presentations; preparation of the hall for presentation

  • Social Events Committee
    Members: Patrick Foltyn, Christoph Mueller, Lukas Oostrowski, Wladimir Reschke
    • Organizing the coffee and lunch breaks during the kick-off and final meeting
    • Organizing the farewell evening

  • Communication Committee
    Members: Ronan Bernard, Alexander Straub, Visakh Vaikuntanathan, Jonas Zeifang
    • Preparing brochures and posters
    • Sending information regarding technical and social events
    • Maintaining webpage of summer school

  • Management Committee
    Members: Martina Baggio, Ronan Bernard, Patrick Foltyn, Visakh Vaikuntanathan
    • Communication point between the organizing committees and DROPIT administration at ITLR
    • Confirmation of expenditure from other organizing committees and taking care of budget
    • Booking of venues for kick-off and final meetings.



This image shows Visakh Vaikuntanathan

Visakh Vaikuntanathan


DROPIT Associate Member

This image shows Bernhard Weigand

Bernhard Weigand

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Spokesman for DROPIT, University of Stuttgart

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