Poster Reimagining Space - New Utopias

Not only did I get the chance to meet amazing and open-minded students, I also got the chance to work with team members and professionals on a project I chose and am interested in.

Hanna Certoma, B.A. Social Studies, Teilnehmerin Jahresprogramm 2021/2022

Annual Program 2021

Reimagining Space – New Utopias

Our annual theme “Reimagining Space – New Utopias” invites School for Talents members to think about the future as a space full of potential, especially during uncertain times. We look at important questions that underpin the ways in which we live together, and we will put the spaces through which we move at the center of our attention.
How do technology, art and design, but also political decisions and social processes shape the spaces that define the quality of our daily lives? How can we reimagine these spaces, experience them anew, and come up with concepts that improve the world around us?
We want to ask “better" questions, to approach problems not with outdated mechanisms for problem solving, but with fresh eyes. “Reimagining Space – New Utopias” as a theme, serves as a reminder to look for answers off the beaten path and through creative lenses. Together, we discuss topics ranging from sustainable cities to space travel, digitalization and beyond, and meet with stakeholders from science, society, industry and the arts.

These are the Annual Program 2021 Student Teams

Timeline of the group work
Timeline of the group work

With our project „Re-Imagining Learning Space“, we are aiming to support students at the University by coming up with helpful solutions to improve their learning experience. Whilst some unnecessary factors interfere the utopia of an optimal and ideal learning experience – we decided to examine the existing problems, to optimize and adjust them to the students' needs. We came up with a solution for students from all fields of studies.

By creating the draft for a potential Uni internal app and by structuring and defining several learning situations and their diverse needs, we want to help students to find the perfect study space, suitable for their personal requirements.

Our project aims to create a new inspiring Utopia for the University and her students! The project does not try to correct, it has been created to inspire, to enhance what is already there and to make studying at the University more enjoyable.

See where the journey of the team has led!

Ellen, Bachelor Physics
Ronja, Bachelor History and English Studies
Benedikt, Bachelor Aerospace engineering
Abdelwaheb, Bachelor Aerospace engineering
Daniel, Bachelor Engineering Cybernetics

Project development Partizipizer
How the group came up with The Partizipizer

Our project is about participation in public space. By providing a mobile, publicly accessible device that allows citizens to receive information and share their opinions on projects in public space – to become active. We propose a mobile "info-machine" that can be placed in public spaces where changes are planned in order to integrate residents using the space at an early stage: The Participizer. This info-machine is a universal and at the same time specific and accessible tool to involve society in planning processes.

We strive to break down barriers to participation processes and especially to reach those who have not previously participated in public projects.

We interviewed the group about the intermediate status of their project!

Fabrizio, Master Aerospace Engineering
Simon, Bachelor Technical Cybernetics
Arnold, Bachelor Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Elena, Bachelor Architecture and Urban Planning
Valentin, Bachelor History/Politics

Since climate change has a large temporal and spatial scale, trying to understand its repercussions can be overwhelming or even impossible. Our group creatively engages students with the topic by using literature, specifically poetry, as a tool. Literature challenges cultural mentalities and helps people empathize with climate issues – even if they have not yet experienced this themselves – which produces activism. Additionally, literature provides a space in which people can try to take on a different perspective on climate change.

With the overall idea in mind, we are targeting science students, since they are, in our experience, much less exposed to (climate change) literature and the positive effects it yields. Therefore, as a kick-off event, we set up at Campus Vaihingen. We supported students in writing short poems about climate related topics onto whiteboards or respond to one that had already been written there. The discourse we began in Vaihingen then moved over to the online space we created on our website. There, people can share some of their experiences with and feelings or frustrations about climate change and the way individuals, countries, or the whole world in general deal with the issue.

You too can develop and submit your Haik-You here!

Jessica,  Master English
Verena, Master English and American Studies
Lucas, Bachelor German/History
Karoline, Master English and American Studies
Selina-Marie, Master English and American Studies

Alex and Luca presenting their project at the Stuttgart Science Festival 2022
Alex and Luca presenting their project at the Stuttgart Science Festival 2022

What do Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, Ranga Yogeshwar and Harald Lesch have in common? All three people are excellent science communicators, hence people who build the bridge between scientific knowledge and you. In our annual project at the School for Talents, we looked at how researchers at the University of Stuttgart conduct science communication and what new projects can be initiated.

Together with Cyber Valley we have developed a key qualification for students at the University of Stuttgart on the topic of science engagement in the field of AI. In the process, we even got the opportunity to accompany a science communication project ourselves for the Stuttgart Science Festival

Alexander, Master Mechatronics
Luca, Bachelor Mathematics

Project Poster My plastic diary
My plastic diary poster

The Team Consumption Space has formed two thematic subgroups.

One part of our group conducts a sustainability challenge to change behaviour as part of Trash Talks 2022 at the University of Stuttgart. A so-called plastic diary is used to record individual consumption patterns within a week. At the end of the week, this challenge will be evaluated and the best "plastic savers" will be awarded.

Overall, we want to prepare the students and staff of the University of Stuttgart for a sustainable and climate-neutral everyday life.

Join the plastic-free sustainability challenge!

Hanna, Bachelor Social studies
Samir, Bachelor Chemical engineering
Jonathan, Bachelor Engineering Cybernetics
Alexandros, Master Architecture and Urban Planning

Sharing Plattform guidelines
Sharing Platform guidelines

The Team Consumption Space has formed two thematic subgroups.

One part of the group has created a sharing platform for Erasmus students. The Sharing-Platform provides a space for students at the University of Stuttgart to exchange items and therefore reduce consumption and unnecessary waste. The first phase of the project is specifically focused on Erasmus and exchange students. It gives the opportunity for the departing students to hand in the items they can not take home. Those items will be given out to the newly arriving students and will therefore create a cycle of items.

The project started with a trial phase in the winter semester 21/22 and the goal is the permanent establishment throughout the following semesters.

Saskia, Master Technical Biology
Lenja, Bachelor Environmental Engineering

School for Talents Symposium 2021/2022

Participants of the 2021/2022 Annual Program at the final Symposium
Participants of the 2021/2022 Annual Program at the final Symposium
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