Expanding Realities - New Visions 2024

Annual Program 2024

Expanding Realities – New Visions

In the 2024/25 season, our School for Talents annual program will address the theme “Expanding Realities – New Visions”. The University of Stuttgart is an ideal place to scout trends in science and technology that will affect our sense of lived reality in the near future. During their time in the program, students explore the potential that lies in breakthrough research ranging from quantum technology to bionic intelligence; learn about mobility concepts for tomorrow and about how AI will affect their life in the next decade. Together with researchers, experts and peers, they will further take time to discuss the wider implications current scientific developments have on our societies. School for Talents puts an emphasis on looking at ways in which participants can apply fresh ideas to create much needed change, equipped with tools that will help them to adapt to the challenge of life-long learning.

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