Literature can offer insights into new mental spaces. Particularly its role within science has become extremely important. Literature rethinks ethical and cultural issues and is a productive tool for innovative change.
The interdisciplinary goal of our project is to enter new spaces as well as combine various voices from different research fields. Literary space thus deals with socio-cultural challenges and re-thinks urgent topics, such as Climate Change.
For this purpose, our project has developed a new poetic form of the Haik-YOU. This form is based on the traditional Japanese Haiku. It provides a possibility for authors/writers to have a critical look at current topics and highlight the core aspects of those. We aim for a change in perspective.
Formally, the Haik-You consists of three verses, which alternate between five and seven words:
- Verse 1 defines the problem/issue
- Verse 2 should include the writer's own perspective concerning the issue
- Verse 3 provides a future prospect or argues for future change.
See below the best Haik-YOUs that were haded in to us.