Examples of real-world experiments and their effects

In the following, we present some examples of the real-world experiments implemented in the Stuttgart RwLs.

In many cases, the long-term effects of a temporary action/intervention can only unfold months or even years after the Real-World Laboratory projects have been completed and, because the Real-World Laboratory infrastructures are no longer in place by then, they are not subjected to a scientific evaluation. "In transdisciplinary-transformative contexts, any serious full-scale scientific evaluation or even impact assessment would require an enormous amount of resources and be extremely complex. As M. Rose and K. Schleicher point out, "an equal participation of practitioners in a project of this kind would only be possible to a limited extent" (Rose, Schleicher 2021:55), which presents a challenge that the Real-Word Laboratories in Stuttgart would have to tackle. We would like to initiate a relevant discussion by presenting some real-world experiments carried out at the Stuttgart Real-World Laboratories as examples.

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