Information about Bonn

Bonn is a rapidly growing city. The importance to create additional (affordable) housing was emphasized by a resolution on densification through political bodies as well as the development of a concept on the activation of residential land by the municipality.
[Photo: Stadt Bonn]

Against this background the pressure of both use and densification will increase furthermore. The urban climatic situation of Bonn is characterized by its location in the Rhine valley region as well as the surrounding range of hills and is considered problematic anyway. Climatic changes such as the increase of the average annual temperature, seasonal shift and the rise of heavy rain events are measurable already.

Through ZURES the city of Bonn will receive an up-to-date and high-resolution climate analysis as well as a planning advice map. These can be used in the course of urban land-use planning as a valid decision support in the future. In addition projections for the year 2035 will illustrate corridors of possible city-structural, socio-economical and city-climatic developments, point out areas of particular vulnerability and concernment and they can serve both city and politics as guidance in considerations, urban development and strategic deliberations. Apart from that the products developed in ZURES (climatic analysis, planning advice map, projections) can be technical basis for targeted measures to sensitization and creating awareness in terms of climatic adaption for affected citizens.

Since 1995 Bonn is active in the field of climate protection. The structures of intra-municipal networks in climate protection which grew ever since were a good precondition for an examination in regards to adaption on climate change in the municipality. Existing interdepartmental work groups allowed the establishment of a small steering group. Besides that the operational level is formed by the control center for environmental protection, the building department and the urban planning authority. The topic of climatic change was picked up in Bonn’s latest integrated climate protection concept with its own component on the adaption towards climatic change. The priority here was the question of how measures on climatic adaption as requirement of the building code can be implemented in the administrative processes of the urban land-use planning.

Besides ZURES Bonn is involved in further projects on climatic adaption with various partners stated in the following:

  • KliMoPrax - Development of an innovative urban climate model
  • ISKAS - Development of an information system for climatic adapted urban planning in NRW
  • KlimNet – Bundling of knowledge and commitment towards climatic adaption in the city and the region (administration, civil society, science)

In the next step the findings and conclusions of the information and dialogue processes, the basic structure of a measure catalogue and the approach of the urban land-use planning are to be merged into a concept and to be extended gradually with other relevant thematic fields concerning adaption. Hereby the solution of the described conflict of objective by the creation of additional urban housing in Bonn and the transparency of the assessment procedures will play a major role.

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