Here you can find all available publications by the project members. The list is updated regularly to show all recent publications. Currently, there are several scientific papers in development that will be listed here, when they are available in open access.
Publications List
- Chitin/Chitosan Biocomposite Foams with Chitins from Different Organisms for Sound Absorption
Sebastian B. Wachsmann, Matthias Ruf, Carsten Prinz, Nina Oehlsen, Xiaoru Zhou, Michael Dyballa, Christine Arweiler, Philip Leistner, Holger Steeb, Harald Garrecht, Sabine Laschat, & Linus Stegbauer - Fabrication of chitosan-flax composites with differing molecular weights and its effect on mechanical properties
Amrita Rath, Benjamin Grisin, Tarkes D. Pallicity, Lukas Glaser, Jajnabalkya Guhathakurta, Nina Oehlsen, Sven Simon, Stefan Carosella, Peter Moddendorf & Linus Stegbauer - N-Alkylimidazolium carboxylates as a new type of catanionic surface active ionic liquid: synthesis
Sebastian B. Wachsmann, Jessica Bauhof, Aileen R. Raab, Anna Zens, Thomas Sottmann & Sabine Laschat - Modulating chitin synthesis in marine algae with iminosugars obtained by SmI2 and FeCl3-mediated diastereoselective carbonyl ene reaction
Marcel Holzwarth, Jan Ludwig, Alexander Bernz, Birgit Claasen, Asma Majoul, Julia Reuter, Anna Zens, Brigitte Pawletta, Ursula Bilitewski, Ingrid M. Weiss & Sabine Laschat - Purification of Chitin from Pupal Exuviae of the Black Soldier Fly
Thomas Hahn, Elena Tafi, Nils von Seggern, Patrizia Falabella, Rosanna Salvia, Jannik Thomä, Eva Febel, Malgorzata Fijalkowska, Eric Schmitt, Linus Stegbauer & Susanne Zibek
Project Spokesperson
Sabine Laschat
Prof. Dr.Spokesperson, Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Organic Functional Molecules