Synergetic Transformations

Dr. Marie Davidová; Institute for Social Sciences, IntCDC

Wintersemester 2021/22

The two-weeks elective block focused on collaborative processes of gigamapping (visual complexity diagramming) in a search for transforming the SOWI institute’s courtyard into a community garden. This community space should provide edible and habitable landscape for All.  The project was focusing on transition towards socially sensitive sustainable and healthy community development. Different stakeholders came to the codesign workshop and as a result it was clear the vertical installation should be developed. POL-AI is a responsive wood insect hotel with its own pollinator garden. It is using image recognition for registering the pollination of the pollinators to assign the value of their performance.

The project finished with a community celebration and a dance performance.

Mehr über das Projekt

Fotos: Gordon Koemel, Marie Davidova

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